Thursday, January 12, 2012

IND. Reading #3

in this section of the 2nd chapter, Titus gives the reader the background and his thoughts on a "feed". Titus has never seen a computer outside of a human before because thats what they did before feeds, "forty to fifty years ago". He continuously brags about the feed and its advancements of making adequate decisions for the user depending on what they like. The feed is controlled by huge "EVIL" corporations, no matter how much the people dislike the corporations, there's nothing the people could do because they own everything. "so theres no reason to get all pissy about it."

i chose this part of the book because it showed the reader what someone who had the feed, thought about it. i think this is important because i believe the only way to understand what the "feed" is actually like is to hear from someone who has it. The advancements in technology lets each person have a mini computer in their head. Titus is more than okay with having it inside his brain.

1 comment:

  1. Good idea to gain perspective, but I want to read it for myself. Please provide quotes. Also, remember to include response AND analysis.
